Festival Interculturel du Conte de Montréal

Create a poster, leaflet and brochure for a festival inteded mostly for adults, but available for all ages.


The Poster's final concept is a campfire in the midle of a city, representing the feeling of campfire stories in a forest of buildings. The goal was to show that people can get together and stories and tales can be told even in the middle of towns.


The leaflet was based on the poster, giving a sumary of the event. The color pallet was preserved, as did the font and reading levels.

Made with: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign


The 15 pages brochure contains a detailed summary of each tale, the hourly schedule, informations about the tale tellers and the origins of the tales, and a few bonuses. An orange color was added to bring the brochure more to life and be less redundant.

Colors used:
Navy Blue (#24252B)
Yellow (#FFD000)
Orange (#E52D12)
